University Heights Hourly Report - Last 24 Hours

DateTimeTempDew PtWind
1/16 7 PM35.6°29.4°SSW 3-4 mph
1/16 6 PM37.8°30.3°SSW 2-5 mph
1/16 5 PM41.1°32.1° SW 1-2 mph
1/16 4 PM42.2°32.0°SSW 3-5 mph
1/16 3 PM43.2°32.2° SW 2-4 mph
1/16 2 PM42.9°32.3°WSW 2-4 mph
1/16 1 PM42.8°31.5° W 2-4 mph
1/1612 PM41.5°31.0° W 2-4 mph
1/1611 AM38.3°32.0° W 2-4 mph
1/1610 AM33.6°31.3° W 1-3 mph
1/16 9 AM28.6°26.0°WSW 2-3 mph
1/16 8 AM26.1°23.8°calm
1/16 7 AM25.8°23.3°calm to 1 mph
1/16 6 AM26.6°23.8°calm to 1 mph
1/16 5 AM27.2°24.4°WSW 1-3 mph
1/16 4 AM27.8°24.4° W 2-3 mph
1/16 3 AM28.4°24.7°WSW 1-2 mph
1/16 2 AM29.5°26.1° SW 1-3 mph
1/16 1 AM30.2°26.8° W 1-2 mph
1/1612 AM31.1°28.2°calm to 2 mph
1/1511 PM29.8°27.2°WSW 2-3 mph
1/1510 PM26.3°24.0° SW 3-6 mph
1/15 9 PM26.3°24.0°calm to 2 mph
1/15 8 PM26.7°24.2°WSW 2-6 mph